Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mirror Mirror

I've been looking for something for the wall behind the tv since we moved into the new place, but I didn't want to spend a fortune.  I tried searching around, but it seems everyone's into a different style than I am right now, so I was pretty much on my own.  I like rustic, but all I could find was country rustic, and that's not really me.  Here's what I came up with :)...

My materials included the following:
(1) mirror
(7) bamboo sticks I found at Lowe's
 Gorilla Glue
Assorted metallic paints
Black velvet ribbon

I started out arranging the bamboo on the mirror like so.

Looking back now, I'd like to think I would have painted the bamboo and taken the stickers off, but I've figured out by now that I like to do things the HARDEST was possible.

It took a LOT of weight to keep these boogers from coming up, and I still had to reglue a couple of them.

I used my leftover bamboo, and the other mirror (they came in a pack of 2) to make a smaller one.  I haven't finished it yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll be a gift.  I post after I give it away :)

Here it is after 1 coat of metallic black, and 1 coat of sequined metallic black.

I'm a messy painter ;)

And here's the finished product!!!

After painting it black, I went back around with silver to make it look like metal was showing through.  My camera makes it look like a lot more silver than there actually is.  It looks almost like knotted metal rods, so the nails actually suit it pretty well.


  1. I like this. What a unique idea :) You should also post this to I know other people would LOVE this idea :) You are super creative and I love that you are always working on a project :) I wish I had more time!

  2. It's on Pinterest, along with other things I've created :) I"m working on a wreath for the front door, and I should be able to post it tomorrow!
